Local Happenings In Monmouth County!
August 14 to 18 - ShoreDance 2006 is a weeklong festival of dancing with all-day workshops in Jazz, Hip-Hop & Afro-Modern Dance at the Algonquin Arts Theatre 173 Main St, Manasquan. Call (732) 528-9211 or go to www.algonquinarts.org
August 14 - Enjoy a Twilight Victorian Lantern Tour of Centennial Cottage in Ocean Grove beginning at 7:30 pm. Call (732) 774-1869 or go to www.oceangrovehistory.org
August 14 - Check out an outdoor film - Flipper - projected on the tower wall of the Algonquin Arts Theatre located at 173 Main St, Manasquan at 8:30 pm. Bring your own Chair. Call (732) 528-9211 or go to www.algonquinarts.org
August 15 - Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 1475 West Front Street, Lincroft, NJ. Don't let those vocal cords get rusty over the summer! The Shrewsbury Chorale invites singers in all voice parts to participate in the annual Summer Sing. Meet new people who share a love of singing or get reacquainted with old friends in the relaxed setting of the Summer Sing. Repertoire: Randall Thompson's Last Words of David, Howard Hanson's Song of Democracy and Franz Schubert's Mass in G. Music provided. Refreshments served. $5 admission fee Info call: 732-776-5276 or visit www.shrewsburychor
August 15 - Don't let those vocal cords get rusty over the summer! The Shrewsbury Chorale invites singers in all voice parts to participate in the annual Summer Sing. Meet new people who share a love of singing or get reacquainted with old friends in the relaxed setting of the Summer Sing. Repertoire: Randall Thompson's Last Words of David, Howard Hanson's Song of Democracy and Franz Schubert's Mass in G. Music provided. Refreshments served. $5 admission fee and will be held at Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 1475 West Front Street, Lincroft. Info call: 732-776-5276
August 15 - Enjoy the sounds of the Highlands Tuesday Concert Series featuring Liquid Orange at 7 pm at Veteran's Park, Bay Ave, Highlands. Call (732) 291-4713 or go to www.highlandsnj.com
August 16 - Love poetry? Write some of your own? Why not share with the Poetry Group at Barnes and Noble on Rt. 9 in Freehold tonight at 7:30 pm. It is Open Mic and that means it's your turn to be in the limelight! Tonight, the theme is Changing Seasons, so bring your original work or a favorite poem to the meeting. It will be hosted by Rene McCallum. Call (732) 409-2929
August 16 - The Whiteys will be performing as part of the Summer Beach Concert On Beach series at area E Gateway National Park at Sandy Hook. Showtime is 6 pm. For rain cancellations call 732-291-7733 or (732) 872-5970 or go to www.nps.gov/gate
August 17 - Be At The Big Kick-Off! Reserve Your Place in High Stepping History! Be part of the Rockette-style line-up that's determined to break the Guinness World Record at the Algonquin Arts Theatre located at 173 Main St, Manasquan at 7 pm. Call (732) 528-9211 or go to www.algonquinarts.org
August 17 - Freehold Summer Concert Sensational this week will feature Soul Cruisers starting at 7:30 pm at the Hall of Records Parking Lot East Main St, Freehold. Call (732) 462-3584 or go to www.freeholdcenter.com
August 17 - Come dancing at the Belmar Thursday Social Dancing at the Taylor Pavilion at Silver Lake Park located on 5th & Ocean Aves in Belmar. The dancing starts at 8 pm. Call (732) 681-3700 or go to www.belmar.com
August 17 to 20 - Head on over to the Colts Neck Country Fair where there will be fun for everyone at Bucks Mill Park located at 105 Bucks Mill Rd in Colts Neck. Fair hours are as follows: Th & Fri 5-11 pm; Sat 4-11 pm; Sun 2-8 pm. Call (732) 462-8500 or go to www.coltsneckfair.com
August 18 - Belmar Arts Council and P.A.C.K.M.A.N. presents the Young Musicians Showcase at Taylor Pavilion from 7 to 10 pm featuring White Bus and others. For details call 732.280.8398
August 19 - The Lakewood Elks presents a Comedy Dinner Show featuring Tom Cermack, Pete Michaels and Joseph Anthony. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. The dinner is included along with a cash bar. Tickets available at the Lodge located at 1432 711 W. Kennedy Blvd.in Lakewood or from Officers and participating members. Please call the Lodge for more info and directions. Contact person: Jackie Kobi 732-797-1956
August 19 - Peter, Paul and Mary. The trio returns for all generations to love and sing at The Great Auditorium located on Pilgrim Pathway in Ocean Grove. The show starts at 8 pm. Call 732-988-0645 or go to www.oceangrove.org
August 19 & 20 - Monmouth County Friends of Clearwater's 31st Annual Festival. There will be top name national & local performers, environmental displays, storytelling, crafters & food from 11:30 am to 7 pm at Sunset Park in Asbury Park. Call (732) 872-9644 or go to www.clearwatermc.org
August 19 & 20 - Enjoy a bit of the islands at the Caribbean Beach Party from 12 noon to 5 pm. Enjoy Caribbean Cuisine & DJ, Calypso Band, Hair Braiding & Face Painting on Ocean Ave on the Beach & Boardwalk in Asbury Park. Call (732) 775-3533 or go to www.cityofasburypark.com
August 21 - Enjoy an outdoor film - Beauty and the Beast- projected on the tower wall of the Algonquin Arts Theatre located at 173 Main St, Manasquan. Showtime is 8:30 pm. Bring your own chair. Call (732) 528-9211 or go to www.algonquinarts.org
August 22 - The Trenton Thunder is holding a 'Route One Corridor Baseball Night'! The Princeton Chapter of BNI has taken out a table at this game. For Reservations or for more information please call: Harold Laudien, 609.951.0900
August 22 - 75th Anniversary of the Manasquan Inlet. Come be part of the joint celebration in Manasquan, Brielle, Point Pleasant Beach and Boro. There will be many festivities including a boat parade, ribbon cutting, and a 47 ft Coast Guard Boat. Call (732) 223-8303 or go to www.manasquanchamber.com for schedule of events
August 22 - Movies in Riverside Gardens Park presents Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at 8:45 pm at the Riverside Gardens Park in Red Bank. Call (732) 842-4244 or go to www.redbankrivercenter.org
August 24 - The Sea Girt Chamber of Commerce is proud to sponsor their annual Sand Sculpting Contest at the Chicago/Brooklyn Beach in Sea Girt. The age groups are 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. The 4-6 groups will work in teams; ages 7 and up, individually. Adults may coach, but may not touch. Prizes will be awarded to the 4 best sculptures in each age group, and all participants receive a T-shirt and a coupon for one free ice cream cone. Sculpturing begins at 9am and judging will take place at 10:30am by members of the Sea Girt Planning Board. Rain date is August 25th
August 26 - Keyport Knights of Columbus invites you to our 9th annual running of the $1.98 Beauty Contest. Don't miss out on a night of fun and laughter with friends and family. Location: St. Joseph's Council 3402, Hwy 35 North, Keyport NJ 07735 Information: All of our previous shows sold out. Please call 732-264-9729 or Bill at 908-601-0448
Sights, sounds and living at the Jersey Shore. From Mansions to sand castles, waterfront or waterviews, condos or town houses. This blog is created as an interactive resource for all your real estate needs and concerns and as a venue for sharing stories about the Jersey Shore and its towns, a place I love. Feel free to add your voice to this forum. I want you to be heard.
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