These are the active CLOSED SALES price range for monmouth county NJ
Town ActiveSOLD Price range 2006
Atlantic Highlands $300,000 - $349,999 5
Atlantic Highlands $550,000 - $599,999 6
overall Atlantic Highlands is down 42%
Little Silver $550,000 - $599,999 10
Little Silver $600,000 - $699,999 10
overall Little Silver is down 26.1
Long Branch $250,000 - $299,999 14
Long Branch $300,000 - $399,999 56
Long Brnach $400,000 - $499,999 29
overall Long Branch is down 12%
Monmouth Beach $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 6
Rumson $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 14
Rumson $2,000,000 - Above 20
overall Rumson is down 19%
Fair Haven $600,000 - $699,999 10
Fair Haven $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 11
over all Fair Haven is down 10.7
Highlands $250,000 - $49,999 13
overall Highlands is down 28%
Red Bank $300,000 - $399,999 25
Red Bank $450,000 - $499,999 13
overall Red Bank is down 5%
Oceanport $400,000 - $499,999 14
overall Oceanport is down 10.4%
As of right now Monmouth County is down 17%.
What does all this mean to you? Well it means that the market has definitely slowed down and that there ARE sales as long as the property is priced well.
If you want more detailed information go to my newly created website: and on a monthly basis you will see what is happening to Monmouth county and its towns.
If you are interested in receiving monthly updates on what's happening in your neighborhood please email me and Ill start sending you that information.